Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mother's Day

This year, I was delighted to be back home in Louisiana so I could host a Mother's Day Brunch. I got the idea from pinterest last year and it finally came to pass. I got the printables from Amanda's Parties to Go  My parents opened up their house to us and let me plan away. I thought it would be easier to have everyone at mom's house instead of everyone driving down to see us. My aunts were there, and my sister-in-law, and grandmother. We all had a fabulous time!


Thursday, June 13, 2013


Still playing catch up with the holidays...I actually have fast internet for a few days so I'm taking advantage of uploading pictures quickly. Theo was away with work this Easter so it was just me and the kids. I ended up volunteering to teach Sunday School since we couldn't spend Easter as a family anyway. Our church had a lunch and Easter egg hunt after the service which was a lot of fun. It has been quite a change going from a church of several THOUSAND people to one with 50 people tops :) But I am trusting God is using me there.