After our playdate and naptime, we spent the rest of the afternoon doing this
I think the Lord must have known I needed a good week this week. I will admit, while we were in Florida, I felt completely overwhelmed with the task of being a full-time stay at home mom and the thought of starting all over with baby girl. I have never regretted that decision but it sure is hard some days. At the risk of sounding like a martyr, I often feel as if I never get a break. I have a very helpful husband who does a lot for us but I know the responsibility of caring for our family and our house lies mainly on my shoulders. I have been praying for God to give me a renewed sense of purpose regarding staying home. I have prayed that mentally/emotionally/psychologically I could have a break and just have one easy week with Carter. The Lord heard me and answered my prayers. I also read Psamls 16 and felt that those verses were leaping off the pages at me. Even though David was not talking about being a stay at home parent in this passage, it still spoke to me... "LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance". Yes, my children are definitely a delightful inheritance!
1 comment:
Motherhood is an all consuming task but so worth every moment you invest in your children. Great is your reward!
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