Wednesday, February 9, 2011

All about Isaiah

Isaiah is a week old today! I can't believe it. He is such a precious little boy and we are blessed to be his parents. I just wanted to give an update on him and blog about what his first week of life has been like (more for my benefit!)

So for the "medical" side of our little I mentioned before, Isaiah was born with a bilateral hydrocele. We are being sent to a urologist at some point just so they can monitor it but usually they resolve on their own.  He also was born with Theo's blood type instead of mine (Carter and Olivia are my type). The pediatricians were concerned about my blood cells possibly attacking Isaiah's so he had some trouble with jaundice at first. We took him for three days in a row out in the freezing cold to get a bilirubin level drawn at the hospital. On Friday, we started home phototherapy.

 I was dreading it as he seemed very uncomfortable with the eye shields strapped over his face. But he actually slept really well that night. Saturday his level was trending down so we were able to stop the phototherapy.  Sunday was his last lab draw fortunately. I was getting pretty tired from waking up early to take him to the hospital everyday! 

Isaiah also did not pass his hearing test on one ear. The lady who administered the test said this was pretty common. But nevertheless, we have to take him to an audiologist sometime this week for a "real" hearing screen. I'm not too concerned about it but am praying everything goes well.

Isaiah is a really good baby......during the day! Saturday and Sunday nights were ROUGH! He was basically awake Saturday night from midnight until about 5 a.m. He would nurse, fall asleep for a couple of minutes and then wake up and cry until it was time to eat again. I was so tempted to bust out some formula but resisted. Sunday wasn't much better. Monday I was crazy! I was so exhausted I felt like I was going to throw up.  Fortunately, Theo took everyone out of the house (except the baby) when he got Carter from school and I was able to take a nap.  Monday night was better. He was only awake from 11 p.m. until 1 a.m. and he wasn't too fussy. But the wind was so awful here it kept everyone else awake. Poor Theo ended up having to sleep in the bed with Carter because Carter's room (and our room) sounded like a freight train was coming through the room and he was scared. But Isaiah did pretty well.  

He is nursing well and is gaining weight steadily. He is nursing about every 2-3 hours but sometimes still seems hungry after I feed him. But usually we can get him to fall asleep eventually. Today, he did well with a sleep, wake up and eat, and stay up for a while pattern. He of course prefers to be held as opposed to being put in the pack and play but he will sleep in it if we make him. :) He's pooping up a storm which is a good way for him to excrete the excess bilirubin out! 

We are so thankful to finally have him here. It was such a roller coaster ride and a big lesson in trusting God but God is most faithful! My mom wrote a great post about Isaiah and I couldn't have summed it up better myself. Please read it!


Brandi Hart said...

I love your new blog picture! Those are beautiful children! Sounds like Isaiah has had some minor "bumps in the road" so far, but things sound like they are getting better now. I know yall are glad to have him home and in your arms.

ruslinga said...

I loved hearing your birth story & this one of your 1st week. It sounds like you pro-parents are doing fantastic! So happy for you! Enjoy your beautiful new addition!