Olivia is seven months old today! She celebrated the day by hanging out by the pool while Carter had swimming lessons, having a luxurious lunch of more sweet potatoes, and finally napping in her crib. Last week she was pretty crabby, I assume because of teething. But the past several days, she's been (mostly) back to her happy ol' self.
At seven months she:
-is still only gaining about 1/2 pound a month but that's okay
-is still waking up once a night (sometimes more) to nurse
-nurses 5 times during the day
-takes 2 good naps
-sleeps about 12 hours a night
-loves fruit more than veggies
-thinks her brother is the funniest thing on the planet
-saw her first waterfall
-still is chewing on everything she can fit in her mouth and even some things that can't
-is already almost too long for some of her 6-9 month clothes
-had a great first Easter
-can roll over both ways but doesn't do it that often
-is working on sitting independently. She can do it but I can't leave her side or she'll topple over!
-has a bottom tooth that has finally broken through her gum (discovered today!) but it's not all the way in. The left bottom tooth is not far behind it
-is generally still a happy baby but is already experiencing some separation anxiety. She doesn't want to be out of mommy and daddy's sight.
-still brings us so much joy that we can't even put it into words
Happy seven month birthday baby girl! We love you more and more every single day.