Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today is probably going to be one of those days when we stay in our pajamas all day. I will most likely throw on some different clothes right before Theo comes home so he doesn't know I've been in PJs all day!

I am tired. Olivia has gone from nursing every 4 hours at night to every 2 hours and the sleep deprivation is catching up with me! Until this morning, Carter has also been causing me lots of grief with his backtalking, temper tantrum throwing, and defiant self. But knock on wood, so far so good today. He is doing everything I ask him to without a fight and usually the first time I ask him. What a nice change! This morning, he helped me make muffins, we've played with play dough, and built a fort. Ok, yeah, yeah....so this may be a ploy on my part to avoid folding the laundry but I figured what the heck, the boy can build a fort with the sheets, I don't care. They will get folded eventually....like when we need clean sheets again in a week :) (or maybe longer if I'm being totally honest!!)

1 comment:

Carol said...

That lookslike fun. Can I play?